Embracing Your Fabulousness: Coping Tips for High Performers Feeling Overlooked and Left Behind

Why am I so Fabulous and Still being Professionally Overlooked and Left Behind?


Our top Tips for How to Cope When You Are A High Performer Who is Being Ignored and Rejected.

Do you ever find yourself asking, “Why am I so fabulous, yet still being professionally overlooked and left behind?” It’s a question many high performers grapple with as they navigate the sometimes perplexing world of career advancement. If you’re constantly giving your all, only to feel like you’re stuck in neutral while others zip past you on the professional highway, you’re not alone. Being a high performer who is ignored and rejected can be disheartening, but fear not! We’ve got some top tips to help you cope and thrive in the face of this challenge. So, grab a seat, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into how you can embrace your fabulousness and navigate the road ahead with confidence.

Tip # 1 Cry yourself a River.

That’s right! Get it all out and then detach from that heavy emotion.  It will drag you down like an anchor holding you back until you cut it loose.

Tip # 2 Activate your appreciation superpower and thank the very person, place or thing that has caused you a river of grief! 

Yup! You heard me! Appreciate your monster of a situation because that’s the fast track to taming your circumstances into compliance with your goals and dreams.  Wisdom is buried deep in the bowels of this very disappointment.  Your first step towards receiving that wisdom is a heart full of appreciation for however you got into this pickle in the first place.

Repeat after me, “thank you shitty circumstance!  Even though the outcome was crap, I accept what has happened as the very thing I needed to step into the purpose of my existence (or whatever thing you are are hoping to step into!)”

Tip # 3 Pivot to a Positive Perspective

Why you ask? Because your downer mood is going to get you nowhere! Positivity is an energy that attracts more positivity. 

Tip #4 Practice manifesting your positive perspective. 

Fake it till you make it with this one.  Put on a happy face and the body will follow.  And sake’s alive – resist returning to the black hole of despair no matter what!  Don’t let your thoughts near that devil in disguise; that pity potty is waiting to flush the momentum you need to pull yourself back together! So whether that temptation is alcohol, a food binge, Netflix  for 3 days or any other destructive indulgence that is calling out to you to; Resist.

Tip #5 Get your gym on!

Move it!  Exercise your mind gym too!  And your mental gym!  Break a sweat! Get out in the sun, meditate, practice your faith.  All of these fill your cup and your cup needs a filling up after all that growth potential in the shape of disappointment.

Tip # 6 Accept the help that only humor can deliver.

Go find your funny; cat videos or comedy shows, you need a good laugh.

Tip # 7 Pressure off

Again, you heard me right.  Remove all pressure to re-attack the goal you lost and are utterly despondent over.  Give up the ghost of the situation.  That’s the thing that’s haunting you and won’t give you a moments peace.  Let it go.  Release your grip on that dream.  You’re choking it with all the pressure.  That’s not helping.  Let it go for a minute.  I’ll let you pick it back up.  Maybe.  But right now, release your vice grip on that dream.  Detach from your desperate need to have that thing you lost.  It’s dead, and the rot of it is starting cause a stink.  Bury it.  As scary as that is it must be done.

Tip # 8 Ok-Good job with # 7! 

That was hard.  Let’s take a moment and reflect on all the wins in your life.  No really.  While the fertilizer we are making from tip #7 ferments into something we can use later for your fruitful future, I want you to take a moment and acknowledge yourself for how freaking awesome you are! List your wins!  Put the list somewhere where you can refer to it.  Keep it handy!  You are going to need it to boost your brain from negative to positive when you start to backslide.  (Everybody backslides!)   We also need it so we can add to it often and liberally.  Practice seeing the world through a filter of winning and just like magic, more winning will start happening for you.  I promise. See a winner, be a winner!  That’s how it works!

Tip # 9 Back to Basics

You are now ready to suck up all the wisdom from your most recent devastating debacle.  You should be armed with insight into what skills, systems or mindsets need to be cultivated.  What competencies do you need to acquire?  Name it and claim it!

Tip # 10 Breadcrumb trail – 

we need to follow a guide to get from where you are to where you desperately desire to be.  Let’s finesse this with a breadcrumb approach.  Not too much too fast, just a little nibble and soon you’ll be ahead. As we get back to the dream I told you to put down tips ago, I want you to take baby steps here practicing all the skills you learned in tip 8! Back to basics following a breadcrumb trail and then taking some baby steps!

Tip #11 Hold yourself accountable to not casting blame. 

Eradicate blame from your thoughts.  It’s a useless drain of much needed energy.

Tip # 12 Transform excuses into insights! 

That’s tricky!  You may need some help!  That’s what our Slingshot Coaches do really well!

Tip #13 Overcome oversensitivity by numbing your hypersensitivity response to anyone bringing up your devastating dilemma. 

Here’s how you do it.  Ready?  Be impossible to offend or trigger over this situation.  Simple-not easy.  We believe in you!  You’ve got this.

Tip # 14 Detach from your entitlement. 

You are not entitled to this dream, goal or desire. Detach right now. Your entitlement is holding your best self hostage with a blindfold. Replace your entitlement with a big slice of humble pie.  Humility is sooooooooooooo attractive. Healthy humility comes when we develop a taste for it.  It’s an acquired taste. 

Tip # 15 Resist the temptation to be snippy, snarky or sarcastic. 

Be nice to everyone even the Bain of your existence who you would blame for all of this nonsense if you weren’t following tip #11 to the letter.

Tip # 16 Invite the spirit of infinite potential for what’s next to join you on your fabulous adventure of a ride through life. 

Affirm yourself by offering acknowledgement to all the blessings believing in a future where you are thriving in ways you have only just begun to imagine.

We knew you could do it!

Reach out if you need some help with any of these proven tips!  We’re here for you!