Easy Hacks to Help You Drink More Water

Easy Hacks to Help You Drink More Water


Let’s face it, most of us could do with drinking a lot more water.

Studies show that 75% of us are dehydrated!


Dehydration does some nasty things in our bodies. It makes us tired, irritable, forgetful and foggy. Being dehydrated is a common risk factor for painful kidney stones!

One of the biggest motivations to stay hydrated is the impact it has on metabolism. Studies show that being just 1% dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism!

Chugging down energy drinks and coffee might make it easier to get through a rough day at work, but it doesn’t do much for your health. We all need clean, fresh water to keep all of our cells operating at their best so our bodily functions can run smoothly. 

Drinking enough water can help to improve the look of your skin, keep you younger for longer, and even help out with things like painful joints.

Unfortunately, it’s surprisingly tricky to remember to keep drinking water through the day – particularly if you have a pretty hectic schedule.


Here are some tricks you can use to ensure you drink more water:

1. Use your water bottle like a clock. This is such a popular tip these days that you can actually get water bottles with times stamped on them. Alternatively, just mark lines on your water bottle to correspond with certain times.

● The idea is to have a big enough bottle that you can chug down a decent amount of H20 throughout the day.

● If you need to fill your bottle once at work, the lines could count for 8, 10, 12, and 2 for the first half of the day, then 4, 6, 8, and 10 for the second half. It’s up to you to determine how quickly you drink your allocated amounts of water, but the more you chug – the better. 

2. Always have water handy. It’s tough to remember that you should be constantly drinking water if you don’t have any available. To improve your chances of meeting your quota, keep a high-quality refillable water bottle with you at all times.

If you don’t want to run between the kitchen and your desk too frequently when at work, it’s worth getting a large enough bottle. You can get full gallon-sized refillable bottles online today.

● Though it might sound simplistic, the reality is you’re a lot more likely to sip at water from your jug if it’s convenient. So why not make life easier for yourself?

3. Drink a glass of water every time you eat. One of the best ways to get into the habit of drinking water is to do it every time you do something else.

● For instance, if you’re eating something – whether it’s a meal or a snack, try drinking a full glass of water at the same time. This should ensure that you get at least a few full glasses into your routine – even if you forget to do it throughout the day.

● Drinking water during a meal also has other benefits. Water can aid in digestion, so you’re less likely to get a tummy ache, and it can make you feel fuller, so you don’t overeat or binge on unhealthy foods.

4. Set alarms on your phone. Try setting a few alarms each day to remind you to drink a bit of water. Even if you ignore one of your alarms, like when you hit the snooze button each morning, you should be able to get a decent amount of hydration this way.

● If you have a fitness wearable or a smart watch, you can also set alarms on these that remind you to drink more water too.

While you’re at it, consider using your water consumption reminder as a reminder to get up and move around too. You can kill two birds with one stone by stretching out your limbs and rehydrating.

5. Shake up the flavor. If you consider water to be boring, you can always change things up a bit. Muddling fresh herbs like mint and basil into your water can give it a unique taste, so you’re more inclined to want to gulp your drink down.

● You can also use water infuser bottles so you can add fresh fruits to your drinks too.

Not only do infused drinks taste a little better, but they can also have a range of other benefits. Many people swear by using drinks infused with mint and lemon to improve the performance of the metabolism.

Rehydrate Yourself!

While drinking more water might not seem like the most important item on your to-do list, it can make a real difference to your health. Challenge yourself to commit to just one of these strategies could help you to significantly improve your hydration.   

Cathleen Mancino is a Peak Performance Business and Life Coach who specializes in helping women overcome fear or anything else that stands in the way of living a life filled with success, love, wellness, creativity, and adventure!