As a Coach, my goal for my clients is that they become FANTASTIC in the skills, systems, and mindsets of building out a business-building process that results in an endless stream of new customers and a process that allows for the balance between a financially rewarding professional life and an abundantly enjoyable personal life.
Anything less is not success!
I also know that fantastic business-building professionals have lots of fans! It’s impossible not to!
My fan favorite business builder for fantastic solution providers is a unanimous slam dunk for clients who are looking to let the incredible client experiences they deliver do the heavy lifting for their future business development.
The fun factor for this business-building habit is unbeatable! It’s fun to delight clients and have them tell everyone they know about you!
This habit is based on the premise that we humans love to help other humans. It’s the hero syndrome! It’s the “I know a guy” power that gives both the gifted and the giver an infusion of feel-good hormones (yup-serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin) that’s addictive!
What do you think would happen in your business if you had an army of fanatical brand ambassadors singing your praises to everyone they know? I’m talking about clients who have had such an incredible experience with your product or service that they cannot stop talking about you and your business!
If you’re like most professionals in the business of attracting more business this kind of response from your customers would have a huge impact on delivering more qualified opportunities to your inbox faster than ever.
I like to call this business army builder habit, free the fanatics!
Here are 3 ways to do it.
1. Vision Cast – Let your prospects know right from the beginning that you are going to knock their socks off with the quality of service that you provide! Let them know that you want them to have such a great experience that they tell everyone they know about you and when they do, YOU are going to make THEM look like a hero for providing their friends and family with an incredible experience. Then do it!
2. Mirror their words about the awesome incredible wins they are experiencing from your product or service back to them. This is like doubling down on a bet that they will share those very words with their circle of influence. Capture those words of praise of your service in a note that you share back with them and then ask them if you can use their “quotes” on your website, in your newsletter, in a testimonial, in a case study, in a meme, in a marketing blast.
3. Give your fanatics the power to refer clients to you for a promotion that you only give to referrals from your fanatics. Think of something super creative for this special treat for your fanatics and be sure to reward your fanatics as well. This reward can be as simple as the incredibly valuable yet undervalued and underutilized hand-written note!
There are infinite ways to mobilize your fanatics to boost your brand and your business.
Be fanatical about picking one and starting today!
Cathleen Mancino is a Peak Performance Sales and Leadership Coach specializing in helping clients make impactful presentations that get clients motivated to make decisions! For more information or to schedule a private session with Cathleen, visit or schedule an introduction by clicking here