Because presentations are always given using a combination of speaking skills paired with visuals (PowerPoints, video, etc.), we’ve compiled our BEST tips and tactics by compiling a list of our favorite presentations on relevant presentation skill topics.
Grab a cuppa and click the 10 links for some incredible tips, tactics, and techniques to level up for sales presentation skills!
Creative thinking – how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma
So many professionals describe their solutions as “out of the box”. We love that!
In our experience, some professionals require a little bit more definition of the term, ‘out of the box”. This TedTalk provides a good start to thinking “outside the box that is the real deal!
And YES, absolutely add some Outside the Box Options for your clients in your presentation!
- Appealing to Emotions in your presentations to help your prospects make decisions.
Growing research from Neuroscience, Social Psychology, and Behavioral Economics has been providing new insights into how the brain makes buying decisions. This talk presents a new and fascinating field of study, Neuromarketing. We love how with his extensive knowledge and experience in both Neuroscience and marketing, Dr. Wu explains how businesses can grow revenue by guiding their customers to make informed decisions.
Add to “Out of the Box thinking” some new neuroscience that can be used in your Sales Process, Marketing, and Presentations to bring your clients to decisions.
(Our favorite example was using a fly as a target!)
Neuromarketing: The new science of consumer decisions | Terry Wu | TEDxBlaine
- Eddie Obeng: Smart failure for a fast-changing world
Hey, sometimes, “Out of the Box thinking”, which appeals to our emotions and feelings, could result in failure. Sometime our presentations will bomb!
We can have correct solutions that our clients are not able to see!
This video illustrates the new world pace of change that quickly replaces the pace of learning for your prospects.
Your prospects have a legitimate concern; what we are solving now, could be creating the problems to be solved in the future. This is something your presentation needs to address!
If your presentation fails, let it Fail SMART!
- How to Sell Without Selling Your Soul | Steve Harrison | TEDxWilmingtonSalon
What we see far too often with our sales clients is that they lack the confidence to present solutions with conviction and belief. They are afraid to fail and that fear is depleting their motivation to give it their all! This video is a perspective re-set that has an empowering effect on all sales conversations, especially the Presentation!
- How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky
Last we checked, words are a big part of Presentations. This is an interesting example of word choice and knowing your audience!
The words you choose have an impact on the decisions your prospects make.
- The skill of self-confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU
The belief that you can accomplish something is necessary to accomplish something!
Confidence is critical to giving great presentations. Confidence is a skill with a critical link to practice! See how practice impacts confidence in this video from Dr. Joseph!
- Speaking with Confidence The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
So even if you practice and feel confident. It would help if you sounded confident to give great presentations. So, we added another video on confidence because for your prospects to make decisions, you MUST be confident!
- Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
Remember when your mother told you to stand up straight, look people in the eye and stop slouching! She was right! Again! Your body language is more important than you think!
- Vocal Branding: How your Voice Shapes Your Communication Image
Everyone has a story of the most boring teacher they ever had! This teacher presented the subject matter in a boring monotone with no enthusiasm or inflection. Your voice is important! Learn how to use your voice better and your presentations will be better and your prospects will not be bored!
- The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm
Our Slingshot Method Module on the Art of the Presentation has a section on what we call, Storytelling. It’s our powerful system of selling simply by becoming great storytellers. The science backs this up. This is our favorite example of the brain biology of stories and why you need to start using them right now in all your presentations!
Cathleen Mancino is a Peak Performance Sales and Leadership Coach who specializes in helping clients make impactful presentations that get clients motivated to make decisions!