
Better Than The Number! Three Sales Success Fundamentals that Cannot Be Ignored

Traditional Sales logic states that if I hit my sales number, I am a success. And if I do not well…

For most Sales Professionals their definition of professional success boils down to a number.

This goal number is the holy grail providing the means of achieving job security, an enviable personal life; a beautiful home, luxury travel, the kid’s education, retirement, and a financial legacy left for generations that follow.

Achieving success defined exclusively by a number can ultimately have a ricochet effect. This means the single-minded pursuit of a big sales number can cost the very enjoyment of things worth working for, a stress-free lifestyle, vitality, and loving relationships.

There’s a delicate balance on the tight rope walk to success in business and in life.

Nonetheless, be encouraged!!!

It is possible to achieve abundant success without martyring health, relationships, or enjoyment.

Three fundamental building blocks for professional success that are personally beneficial

1.   Be clear on the target of your definition of success.

Clarity is a strength whether it\’s identifying who your ideal prospect is or knowing the life you want and what you do not want.  Boundaries are a requirement to protect what’s most valuable to you.

Who cares if you hit that big sales number and you don’t have a relationship with your kids and your spouse wants a divorce?

Who you are professionally impacts and potentially limits who you can be personalized. This is always a choice. Choose wisely.

2.   Know where, when, and why of your chosen success target.

You cannot possibly build a successful sales growth strategy by winging knowing the details. Managing the details is tricky. Balance is critical.

Remember, it’s a tight rope walk!

And just to be clear, money is not a reliable safety net. It will not overcome every obstacle and it may create some new ones.

3.   Know the \”how-to\” of your success vision. This is the detailed Roadmap that gets you from your starting point to your success sunset. Having this hammered out early is a game-changer.

A lot of professionals, overemphasize their knowledge and underemphasize game-time experience.

Be open-minded and flexible.

It doesn’t matter what you think you know. It matters what you are willing to learn in the process of achieving your bigger than a number version of success.

The ability to ask for help, evaluate the feedback and take action on the most effective strategies is a superpower learned most often after suffering failures which (ask successful people) are the battle scars of the truly successful.

Ironically, incorporating these success fundamentals dramatically impacts your ability to hit the bigger than your number of successes that you were after the whole time!


Cathleen Mancino is a Peak Performance Sales and Leadership Coach specializing in helping clients make impactful presentations that get clients motivated to make decisions!